
Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is a blog and its features

You might have heard or wondered “What is a blog”.Or you might be familiar with blog even running your own blog- but still wants to know the definition of blog.

Blog is a kind of website or even you can say it is a part of a website.Presently blog is the most effective way to share your views and opinion with the rest of the world.Best part from blog is that you can promote it, build traffic and generate profit from it.But that’s not easy until it is your goal.

Definition of Blog
"Lots of definition is available on net.But simple definition of “Blog” is– a blog is a type or part of website in which content/post is usually organized by date and category with the most recent post/content displaying first"


Two key features are always associated with a blog:

Archives contain primary source documents that have accumulated over the course of an individual or organization’s lifetime.When I write a post the most recent post comes at the top of a front page but what happens to this post as it gets older and older finally disappear from home page.It is not lost in-fact it goes to archives of my blog.Archive stores all the post.

Almost all blogs offer comments as you can comment on my blog.You can provide your feedback by simply clicking on comments and writing your message at the end of every post.But this require your name, email and a link(can be of your site or any website).Due to this interactive features blog is a two-way conversation.Readers took advantage of commenting and connecting with a blogger.

Important Terms Related to blog:
Blogging: Blogging is an act of writing post for a blog.
Blogger: Blogger is a person who does blogging.
Blogosphere: Blogosphere is a community of blogs and bloggers.

You can considered me as an example.

How Many blog Existed Today:
First blog was started in the late 1990′s.In december 2007 blog search engine Technorati declared more than 112,000,000 blogs exist.You can imagine yourself where this number has reached today.The number of blog existed today crossed 100 million.

Future Of Blogs:
Blogs are growing rapidly and has a great future.Blogging has its own importance as you can share your views, promote your business, sell your products online and many more.People are recognizing the power of bloggers as online influencer.Now anyone can start a blog by using simple tools available online and start blogging.

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